It's time to modernisedevelopstreamline your vulnerability management.
Alliance Business Technologies has redefined how penetration testing is delivered, enabling on-demand and regular Penetration Testing across your distributed environments, making pure vulnerability scanners irrelevant and insufficient whilst enabling greater coverage, consolidated costs and more effective security budgets.
With all new technologies that supersede older technologies, it is important to understand the enhancements and benefits to your business including greater coverage, streamlined operations and reduced security costs.
Boost your vulnerability management with automation
Repetitive tasks lead to human errors, increasing the chances of your company being breached. Let us manage your most tedious and time-consuming tasks so your security team has the time to focus on their real job. Our security solution automates just about everything, from reconnaissance, exploitation, lateral movement, post-exploitation activities, privilege escalation, password cracking and so much more. You don’t have to hire more staff or pay large consulting fees because our team will already be on your side. Identifying vulnerabilities has never been easier.

Test your data no matter where it's stored
Move forward with confidence
Our security solution empowers you to make risk-adjusted decisions by testing your network against context-specific attacks. You’ll have peace of mind knowing that your project is launched on a safe foundation and the latest threats (including the ones that just emerged) are covered. Instead of just providing a point-in-time snapshot of your environment, it offers ongoing validation of your security posture and the data you need to create an effective long-term information security plan that supports the growth of your business.

Core capabilitiesintelligencecompetence of Automated Penetration Testing false positives
Download a copy of our Automated Penetration Testing datasheet for a comprehensive solution breakdown.
Breaking down our testing capabilities
From reconnaissance to reporting, discover the capabilities behind the tool that identifies and exploits vulnerabilities in your system.
We analyse employees, applications, IP addresses, DNS servers, darknet data, leaked credentials, malware infections, and more. Employee Social Media Reconnaissance, Email Reconnaissance Email Verification, Real-Time Online and Offline Compromised Account Reconnaissance, Evolve Compromised Account Search, Darknet and Reputation Reconnaissance, IP and DNS Reconnaissance and Cyber Threat Intelligence Reconnaissance
Exposed Port and Service Identification, Automated Firewall Hole Identification, Automated Administrative Services Identification, Commercial in Confidence Automated Exposed Non-Production System, Identification Software Version Identification, Software Vulnerability Identification, Multi-Engine Vulnerability Scanning and much more.
Real-Time Public Exploit Identification, Commercial Exploit Identification, Exploit Kit Identification, and Real-Time Active Malware Exploitation Identification, Automated Exploit of Quality Detection, Denial of Service Detection, Optimized Exploit Configuration, and Vulnerability Exploitation, Remote Exploitation Orchestration (Agent), and much more.
Automated Memory-Resident Backdoor Injection and Backdoor Deletion, Automated Process Migration, Automated System Privilege Escalation, Automated Domain Controller Detection, Automated Memory Extraction of Usernames and Passwords, Automated Pass-The-Hash Attack Lateral Movement, Lateral Post-Exploitation.
Automated Vulnerability Risk Prioritization, Automated Dashboard Generation, Automated Report Generation in Word, PDF, HTML, CSV, JSON, Test Start and Completion Email Notifications, Secure Temporary Report Download Links and Web Portal Report Downloads.

As a Microsoft Gold Partner, Alliance Business Technologies prioritises continually honing our expertise in Microsoft technologies. We have consistently developed new Microsoft offerings before our competitors in order to help clients modernise and secure their IT departments—and in turn, to help ensure their success in the era of remote work.
- Gold Microsoft Partner
- Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) - Managed Service Provider Partner Program (MSP3)
- Quality Management ISO 9001:2008 Certified
- GITC Accreditation: Member No.: Q-2645

If you would like to know more on how we can digitally transform your business, don’t hesitate to contact us today.